Snowball & Happy Hoppy with Alasandra

Our friends at Jan's Funny Farm are having a contest. You can read all about it here. This is our entry even though the only one of us in the photographs is our Mom, Alasandra, so she gets to do the rest of the post (sigh). ~AFSS

Gosh, these pictures are OLD. I was around 4 in the photographs and I am with my very first cat Snowball ( I think Artemisia looks a bit like her), her kittens, and my rabbit Happy Hoppy. I imagine my current crop of cats are happy that I am no longer in charge of naming the pets. When I first saw Snowball she was six weeks old and was curled up in a ball, she certainly looked like a Snowball to me. I got Happy Hoppy for Easter and at Easter my Mom always sang " Here comes Peter Cottontail Hoppin' down the bunny trail. Hippity hoppity Happy Easter Day!, and somehow in my four year old mind that got translated to Happy Hoppy. Snowball lived to be a very old cat and Happy Hoppy grew to be an aged bunny I was a teenager when they went to the bridge, we shared many happy adventures together. Maybe one day I'll tell you about the day Snowball brought a snapping turtle home.......................



♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

You were a beautiful little girl there - look at all that hair - so pretty. We like those names, they hold a lot of memories for sure. Good luck in the contest.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

♥I am Holly♥ said...

I love the picture!!! You had some good names for your pets. When I was a kid, my grandfather named all of our cats, Bobo, TeTe, TeTe1, TeTe2 and BabyDoll!! Debbie and Holly

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

What sweet pictures and happy memories...

And don't worry about names. I named a cat Snowball once, myself! When I was younger, I had no imagination for names (there were Snowball, Blackie, and Puff at one time). These days I give names considerable thought. :)

The Big Thing

Anonymous said...

Awwww... how adorable! We think Happt Hoppy was a fine name!

Momma and her brothers and sisters were always dragging some animal home hoping to convince our Nana and Grampy they followed them home and to let them the puppy/kitten/etc... But it never worked out that way.

Brian's Home Blog said...

That was a really good story and I enjoyed it a lot!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

You were a pretty girl! Love old photos, especially when they contain family pets.

Deborah said...

How very sweet! I love the pictures!

The Island Cats said...

Those are cute pictures!! And what a wonderful story about Happy Hoppy!!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

How khute!

Thanks fur sharing those great pikhs AND great memories!


Gigi said...

These are wunnerful pictures! I like Happy Hoppy for a name. It's better than Spitty, right?

Thanks for dropping by my new little blog!


T said...

how lovely! enjoyed the pictures!