Fountainbleu Nature Trail (Part 2)


I wish I had captured the sounds as there were lots of birds chirping during our hike. I really enjoyed the shady glades with the ferns as it got pretty warm.

The habitat is known as a Pine Savanna and it's very important to our ecosystem. You can read more about it here. The Mississippi Sandhill Crane National Wildlife Refuge does controlled burns to help the pines. 

I really want to do another hike soon as you see different things as different times of the year. 

I think this is a wild hydrangea. I really wish I had taken notes during the hike. ~Sandra, reporting for ATCAD

Nature Hike with Mom

 Back in June Mom went on a Nature Hike in Ocean Springs. This is the Fontainebleau Trail and it's part of the Mississippi Sandhill Crane National Wildlife Refuge. 

Did you know people can eat this? It's called Greenbrier (although Mom has a $*** name for it) and is sometimes referred to as Wild Asparagus. You can read about it here. It grows in our neighbors yard and viciously attacks our azaleas. It also tries to kill Mom when she tries to rescue the azaleas, hence the HBO name for it. Mom reports that it tasted OK raw, but sauteed in butter would probably be the yummiest way. Unfortunately Mark didn't seem to have a skillet full of butter handy on the nature walk.

Mark LaSalle was the guide, Mom knows him from when youngest was in Scouts. He is very knowledgeable about plants and animals. She trusted him enough to eat the Greenbrier.

Mom saw a lot of neat plants. She will share more of them tomorrow. As you can imagine hummingbirds like this plant. You might remember that Mom planted some Coral Honeysuckle at the Hummingbird Cottage. ~ATCAD

Caturday Art Cats & Dogs in the Fall Edition


This was a Brush Challenge and this time the Brush included the word October so Mom said it was sort of tricky to use. We rather like the way Mom colored the Brush purple, green and black and added a spider to the web.

Ladybug lent a paw with the Use it All Challenge.

The Template Challenge was all about Grandpa, we still miss him a lot.

This was the Designer Spotlight Challenge and the Designer was Chere Kaye Designs. Mom decided to feature Cruising the Coast on it. It comes to Ocean Springs every October and Mom enjoys seeing the old cars. Her cousin brings his car (not pictured) down for it so it's lots of fun. 

Mini Kit Challenge Fenris helped out with it.

The Jumpstart Your Layout Challenge.

And all us cats got drafted to work on the Daily Download. 

And this was Created with Rewards.

Was anyone else having trouble with blogger? We couldn't post for a few days as it kept saying something was wrong with our cookies. We didn't know how to fix it and then one day it just started working again. Mom says it's very frustrating, oh well at least we can post again. ~ATCAD

Hosted by Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty

Caturday Art Layout A Day Science 101 Edition

The prompt for this one was to use chalk.

The prompt for this one was to use word strips.

The prompt for this one was to use the Science 101 kit to create a non science layout. I told Mom I would help out with it.

This prompt was all about journaling.

And the last prompt was to celebrate women in Science. ~ Chimera, reporting for ATCAD


Caturday Art with Miss Yin

Created with Rewards Challenge at Ginger Scraps.

LAD prompt use an embellishment in a different way. I used the arrow as a sticker, faded it into the background and as the original on the page.

LAD prompt use the same journal card twice.

LAD prompt a cluster with no flowers.

LAD prompt create a journal page.

LAD prompt dark colors. ~Miss Yin reporting for ATCAD

Scylla Sunday Selfie

I did some Jungle Gym selfies. Ladybug seems to be a nice dog, she wants to be friends with us cats, but so far we are reserving judgement. At least I am Yin yells at her for no reason. 

Ladybug has learned to use the dog door so ... we no longer have inside as a sanctuary. But honestly she doesn't bother us, so I am not sure why Yin yells.

I thought you might like to see some of our flowers from May. This is the hydrangea. 

This is the cross vine.

 And this is the rosebush that attacked my tail. For those of you who don't remember you can read A Tail of Woe here. I can certainly empathized with Ladybug not liking being naked I had a naked tail for a long time. ~Scylla, reporting for ATCAD

Ladybug Not A Selfie Sunday

I didn't want my picture taken, but Mom said that you all love me and that you would want to know what is going on. So when Mom took me to the vet Thursday I had several large sores on my back. The vet shaved my back so she could see them better. Mom has instructions to scrub them every day and give me an entire body bath 3 times a week with a medicated shampoo (she cheated and took me to the groomer Saturday) it was also suggested that I have an entire body shave for medical reasons. Even where I don't have sores I have dry flaky skin. This will allow Mom to monitor my skin condition better and the medication to get to my skin where it needs to be. Mom says I look really skinny without my fur. ~LadyBug

PeeS: Mom gave me a nickname and I really like it she calls me Ladybug. I have also learned to use the dog door.