New Look for ATCAD

 Mom finally got around to adding Lady O to the header of our blog. We hope you enjoy our new summer look. Since we live at the beach (sort of it's 15 minutes away) we may make it a permanent change.

Caturday Art the National Park Edition

Created with Rewards Challenge.

LAD prompt you had to journal on a postcard.

LAD prompt to use a Vintage photograph. This is a picture of Mom's Grandma Agnes (center) and Great Aunt Maggie (right) 

LAD prompt to use a map and markers. 

 Photomask Challenge. Some of you may not know that Grandpa was a fireman. For his years of service the city of Meridian provide him with transportation on a firetruck with an honor guard to his grave. There were also firetrucks with fireman standing outside them saluting at the intersections. Mom said it was a very touching tribute to him. ~ATCAD

Sunday Sort of Selfies with Fenris & Lady O


This was a Progressive Scrap at Just Art. Lady O is settling in and seems to like it here. She has earned the right to stay out of her pen and in the large back yard. BOL she can actually come in the house as Mom leaves the dog door open so I can go and come as I please, she just hasn't figured it out yet. Mom is sort of glad she hasn't figured it out yet as Lady O likes laying in mud puddles BOL. The fireworks didn't seem to bother her on the 4th and we are very thankful about that. Her and I get along OK, she finally figured out I am the BOSS. ~Fenris, reporting for ATCAD

Caturday Art The Travel Edition with Chimera & Scylla

It's LAD time again and the theme for this one is Road Trip. The prompt for this day was to have a car on the page.

This prompt was to have a road on the page.

The prompt for this was stitches. Mom got a little carried away.

This prompt was road signs.

And the last prompt for this week was songs you listen to on the road.

Me and Chimera lent a paw with the template challenge

O took center stage in the Use It All Challenge.

 Last but not least is the Word Art Challenge.

~Scylla & Chimera, reporting for ATCAD

Caturday Art with Miss Yin & Mom


#2024 Mini Kit Challenge for July.

This is the Daily Download Challenge and Mom loves this kit. It's You Make Me Happy: Kitten by Carol W Designs at Ginger Scraps. Miss Yin graciously helped Mom out with this page. 



This is the Brush Challenge. Mom wasn't sure what to do with the flag as a brush so she used it in the background and then used colors from it on the page to tie it together.

 This is the Mini Kit challenge by Memory Mosaic. Mom went to her class reunion last week. She had lots of fun and saw lots of people she went to school with. She said it's hard to believe it's been 40 years.


Tails on Tuesday with Yang & Scylla


Mom isn't sure why I turned out looking blurry. Although she did mumble something about the camera not liking me moving so fast. 

I decided to oblige her by being still for this one. But alas I seem to have a shadow.

 Mom played around with it some and got rid of the shadow, but you can't really see my eyes.

Scylla on the other hand did a flawless walk.

We think Scylla looks pretty good for 16. The vet said her blood-work was perfect at her recent veterinarian visit so life is good.~Yang & Scylla, reporting for ATCAD

Mewsings on Monday with Fenris & Chimera

We sure do miss Grandpa, he kept the leaves out of the swimming pool. Now Mom has to do it, which means she has less time for us.

Mom is way behind on pictures but we hope to add Lady to the header soon. She enjoys living here and me and her are getting along okay now that she understands I AM THE BOSS.

She had a lot to learn but she is very smart and is learning fast. She spends most of her time on the back porch now.

And we enjoy going on walks together.

She is a really sweet girl even though she knocked me down a few times.

And when G comes to visit she keeps him occupied. Yin is the only one of the cats that has come in the backyard since Lady came to live with us and Yin acted crazy. She went nuts and Lady wasn't even doing anything except walking over to say hi, and as soon as Yin went nuts Lady stood still so we don't know what Lady's problem was. ~Fenris, reporting for ATCAD

Now it's my turn to talk. I like to help Mom decorate. 

Mom did a good job on this collection so I don't think I need to move anythig.

I am always careful when I move stuff unlike some cats we know. ~Chimera, reporting for ATCAD