Caturday Art Layout A Day Science 101 Edition

The prompt for this one was to use chalk.

The prompt for this one was to use word strips.

The prompt for this one was to use the Science 101 kit to create a non science layout. I told Mom I would help out with it.

This prompt was all about journaling.

And the last prompt was to celebrate women in Science. ~ Chimera, reporting for ATCAD


Caturday Art with Miss Yin

Created with Rewards Challenge at Ginger Scraps.

LAD prompt use an embellishment in a different way. I used the arrow as a sticker, faded it into the background and as the original on the page.

LAD prompt use the same journal card twice.

LAD prompt a cluster with no flowers.

LAD prompt create a journal page.

LAD prompt dark colors. ~Miss Yin reporting for ATCAD

Scylla Sunday Selfie

I did some Jungle Gym selfies. Ladybug seems to be a nice dog, she wants to be friends with us cats, but so far we are reserving judgement. At least I am Yin yells at her for no reason. 

Ladybug has learned to use the dog door so ... we no longer have inside as a sanctuary. But honestly she doesn't bother us, so I am not sure why Yin yells.

I thought you might like to see some of our flowers from May. This is the hydrangea. 

This is the cross vine.

 And this is the rosebush that attacked my tail. For those of you who don't remember you can read A Tail of Woe here. I can certainly empathized with Ladybug not liking being naked I had a naked tail for a long time. ~Scylla, reporting for ATCAD

Ladybug Not A Selfie Sunday

I didn't want my picture taken, but Mom said that you all love me and that you would want to know what is going on. So when Mom took me to the vet Thursday I had several large sores on my back. The vet shaved my back so she could see them better. Mom has instructions to scrub them every day and give me an entire body bath 3 times a week with a medicated shampoo (she cheated and took me to the groomer Saturday) it was also suggested that I have an entire body shave for medical reasons. Even where I don't have sores I have dry flaky skin. This will allow Mom to monitor my skin condition better and the medication to get to my skin where it needs to be. Mom says I look really skinny without my fur. ~LadyBug

PeeS: Mom gave me a nickname and I really like it she calls me Ladybug. I have also learned to use the dog door.

Caturday Art The School Edition

Another Layout A Day at The Studio, the prompt for this one was to use an embellishment in a different way. The frame was actually a note card.

Prompt use an outer glow (notepaper) 

Prompt to scrap a dark event.

Prompt Template.

Prompt Use a Sticker

 Word Art Challenge at Ginger Scraps

Goodbye Summer Edition

This is a mini kit challenge called #2024 hosted by Connie Prince. 

Brush Challenge

This was the Daily Download.

Jumpstart Challenge. Mom had to make the photograph black and white because O looked like a ghost. No matter how Mom tried to fix it O looked too pale then LOL Mom realized O had sunscreen on. 

Another Mini Kit Challenge. Mom used pictures from last years Grandparents Day.

Photomask Challenge.

Template Challenge our last day in the pool until next year. 

 Use it all Challenge. ~ATCAD

Caturday Art with Fenris the DOG

 Signature Challenge the instructions said you had to use yellow and orange. 

Mixed Media Challenge you had to use the bike in a scrapbook page.

Real Moments and the theme was Grateful. I helped Mom with this one, we are both so very grateful to have each other in our lives.

Recipe Card Challenge and the instructions said to share a recipe from scratch. 

Recipe Challenge

Scrap Lift Challenge. Mom said this was the hardest as the original was such a pretty page she wanted to do it justice.

Template #2 Challenge

Template #3 Challenge

Fenris, reporting for ATCAD