We got found

We were found on the side of the road. I get to meow first because I got caught first. You can't even see me in this picture because I was hiding. I am solid black and the lady (TL) thinks I am a boy. My name is Hershey, and I am very timid.

So this is what happend TL and the man (TM) were on the way to a birthday party when they almost hit us because we were in the middle of the road. TL and C said they needed to stop and when C found the toys on the side of the road they knew we had been dumped. They tired to catch us but my sister (Oreo) ran across the road into the woods. C was able to catch me. They had to leave so they took me to the party and on the way back they tried to catch Oreo. She had at least come back to where we were dumped but when they tried to catch her she climbed a tree. I spent the first night alone with A&C and A&C considered adopting me but their cat Chocolate wasn't a fan, plus they were moving so... 

TL and TM went back the next day and Oreo had come down from the tree. While Oreo was watching TL, TM snuck up behind her and grabbed her. We were very glad to be reunited. We couldn't stay where we were at so we went to TM's house.

The accommodations were very nice.

TL got some nice pictures of us.

This is her favorite as we were both looking at the camera.

We eventually let TL & TM pet us.

We sure are glad we got found there is food here and a litter box. TL said it is obvious were are used to being inside cause we looked for the litter box and knew what it was for. Oreo is more outgoing and loves to play.

Hershey & Oreo, reporting for ATCAD


Mancat Monday

Happy Mancat Monday. ~Yang, reporting for ATCAD

Sunday Selfie with Chimera

Good morning, I am going back to sleep now.

Chimera, reporting for ATCAD

Caturday Art

 Mini Kit Challenge at Digital Artistry.

Fenris Friday


I had to have a tumor removed from my gums yesterday. Everything went well and Mom took me and Ladybug for a walk after I got home.

I feel a lot better without that huge mass in my mouth. ~Fenris, reporting for ATCAD

Dr Seuss Day

 Many moons ago Mrs Ann over at Zoolatry helped me dress up as Dr Seuss. So Mom said I could host today's post. Please join us for Brunch we are having Green Eggs and Ham.


 I like eggs and ham

but my name is not Sam

and I don't like Spam 

Thank you for visiting us and thank you bunches for being our friends. We love and appreciate all of you. ~Chimera

Caturday Art ~The Butterfly Edition


Progressive Scrap for February 2025 at Digital Artistry.