We are doing the Name Meme. We have to do it together because our names go together. We will explain later.
Here are the rules: Post a link to the kitty who tagged you (that would be Socks, but he got the idea from
Angus Mhor and we saw where
Dragonheart and Merlin had played today), and post the rules on your blog.
List your real name, how you got your real name, nicknames you like/tolerate, and nicknames you wish your humans would stop calling you.
Tag several kitties, and write a comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged. We would like to tag anyone out there who hasn't done this meme yet-if you decide to do this meme, would you leave us a comment telling us so? We would love to know about your name!
Our real names are Scylla & Charybdis. When Mommy first brought us home we were foster kitties. But Mommy and the guys fell in love with us from the very first day, so we knew this was going to be our forever home. Mommy wanted to name us
Katrina (Scylla) &
Camille (Charybdis) cause she thinks they are pretty girl names and they are famous hurricanes, but Daddy said NO. He told Mommy she could keep us IF he got to name us. So she said OK as long as he didn't name us
War (Charybdis) and
Pestilence (Scylla) and she requested he pick out a girls name. So he looked in Greek mythology for some girl monsters and since Scylla & Charybdis go together and we look so much alike he thought that would be the perfect names for us. Especially since he felt like he was between a rock and a hard place when it was feeding time and he was the only one around. We were bottle feed when we first came to live here. Since the whole family liked it, Scylla & Charybdis became our names.
This is about the
Scylla in Greek MythologyScylla was a nymph, daughter of Phorcys. The fisherman-turned-sea-god Glaucus fell madly in love with her, but she fled from him onto the land where he could not follow. Despair filled his heart. He went to the sorceress Circe to ask for a love potion to melt Scylla's heart. As he told his tale of love to Circe, she herself fell in love with him. She wooed him with her sweetest words and looks, but the sea-god would have none of her. Circe was furiously angry, but with Scylla and not with Glaucus. She prepared a vial of very powerful poison and poured it in the pool where Scylla bathed. As soon as the nymph entered the water she was transformed into a frightful monster with twelve feet and six heads, each with three rows of teeth. Below the waist her body was made up of hideous monsters, like dogs, who barked unceasingly. She stood there in utter misery, unable to move, loathing and destroying everything that came into her reach, a peril to all sailors who passed near her. Whenever a ship passed, each of her heads would seize one of the crew.
Scylla is also the name of a daughter of King Nisus of Megara.
Scylla could bark like a dog (according to some skulax, "young dog").Our Scylla has a very LOUD MEOW, so we guess you could compare it to a dog barking. Scylla likes to think she is the beautiful nymph Scylla before Circe turned her into a monster.
This is about the
Charybdis in Greek Mythology.
Charybdis was once a nymph-daughter of Poseidon and Gaia who flooded lands for her father's underwater kingdom until Zeus turned her into a monster and caused her to suck in and out water three times an day. She lived in a cave at one side of the Strait of Messina, opposite the monster Scylla, the two of them forming a dangerous threat to passing ships. Charybdis sucked down her bottle so the name suited her to a tee.
Here are Scylla's nicknames
Miss Piggy ~ cause she is fat.
Roley-poly ~cause she is fat.
Baby Girl
Princess Scylla ~ because she acts like royalty.
Madam ~because she likes to boss everybody around.
Queen Bee ~ because she likes to boss everybody around.
Sweet thing/Sweetheart/Love ~ because Mommy loves her.
Trinity ~ because she jumps around like Trinity on the Matrix.
Here are Charybdis' nicknames
Sweet thing/Sweetheart/Love ~ because Mommy loves her.
Energizer Bunny ~ because she is full of energy.
Baby Girl
Odie ~ Because she reminds Mommy of the dog Odie in the Garfield Comics.
Silly girl ~Because she acts silly sometimes.
Crazy Charybdis ~ Because she acts crazy sometimes.
Charyb ~ because it is short for Charybdis.
Our combined nicknames (they use these when they are referring to both of us)
The Monsters
The Girls
We used our baby picture so you could see how adorable we were when they named us. We don't think we looked anything like monsters.