I am enjoying porch time with Mom.We are reading a book.I enjoy reading with Mom. I especially enjoy reading with Mom when Hershey and Oreo are not part of the equation.I only hiss at them a little bit now. It's very annoying they don't react to my hisses. In fact I am the one that winds up leaving. Don't they know they are supposed to run from me?They run from me. But only when I stand up. They can't seem to understand that I am trying to follow Mommy and I am not interested in them.I wish they would run from me.I wound up spending the entire day with them yesterday, when they were snuggling on the couch with Mommy.
I had to set on the ottoman wishing I could be on the couch without kittens. And do you know Hershey Bar even tried to get on the ottoman with me even though I was hissing and growling. I wound up leaving and letting him have the ottoman. ~Yin, reporting for ATCAD
Aww, Yin...they want to be friendly with you...won't you try to be a wee bit friendly, too?? Its hard to share sometimes, though, isn't it.
We hope you warm up to those kittens soon. They just want a loving, safe home just like you did many years ago.
Thanks for the update. You are a cutie. XO
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