6 Things Meme

I've been tagged by The Mocha Mom.

First, the rules:(1) Link to the person that tagged you.(2) Post the rules on your blog.(3) Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.(4) Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.(5) Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.


  1. I love to read. Yeah, I know you would have never guessed that. I have a very eclectic taste in literature.
  2. I love to ride horses. The silver lining to Hurricane Katrina was I had the opportunity to ride a horse.
  3. I love to cook and experiment with recipes. I added V-8 juice to my beef stew and it was delicious.
  4. I love the outdoors.
  5. I love animals.
  6. I am a neat freak and can't stand a messy house. I was thrilled to be able to clean the dining room and kitchen Thursday. Now if I can just get the rest of the house clean. It really drove me nuts not being able to keep up with the housework after my surgery.

I am tagging anyone who wants to play. Just leave a comment telling me you are playing or if you have already done this leave a link so I can find out six things about you

1 comment:

My Busy Life said...

Well we have a bit in common, I love animals and the outdoors too!