Spring is................A way to contribute to project HAM
We have entered the Simply Siamese Spring Contest (you don't have to be Siamese to enter) you can read our entry here. You can find out how to enter here. Each entry will help project HAM.

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I am purring and purring for little LK, too. He is so cute! Good luck on your project HAM spring entry!
Thank you.
We got the link to our entry fixed. Bad Mommy put the wrong thing there at first.
We think LK is adorable too, we do hope he is OK. Scylla, Charybdis & Socks
I am purring for LK and Peppers too. I am also in the project Ham Spring entry. Will head there now to look at yours
We are going to go look for yours MoMo.
Mommy had a bad fright, so she needs something to cheer her up. Her and Scylla were down at the butterfly garden. Mommy was weeding and she turned over a rock in order to get some weeds up and there was a snake under it. She scooped Scylla up before she saw it and after locking nosy Scylla in the house her and Daddy, and youngest bean son went got the snake. Daddy is taking him off somewhere far away.
Glad that everyone, including the snake, is OK. SS used to get them when she was living in the outskirts of Sydney on a small rural property. That was before I came along and she had 2 dogs then - a large German shepherd and a small silky terrier.
Mommy's first dog was a German shepherd, IF Daddy ever gets our yard fenced she wants to get a dog. Her German Shepherd (Samantha) and her cat (Snowball) were great friends.
Mommy was just glad Scylla didn't see the snake. She was afraid it was poisonous and Scylla would try to play with it.
Despite its reputation and ferocious looks German Shepherds are really very caring, loyal and gentle dogs, from the ones we know. Kimba (the GS) and Luco (the small silky terrier) were great friends. They nestled together, hunt together and even ran away together once, when they were visiting SS's brother in a small country town. They were found fairly quickly as it was a small community and everyone knew each other's pets and visitors.
Snakes are different. Wouldn't want any pets to be messing around with them.
Yours is a big yard - to keep a GS in you would need high fneces. Kimba cleared a 6 ft fence easily.
My GS jumped fences too. And after the GS I had a border collie that could also clear the fence. My Dad has two Great Pryness and I think they are awesome.
Not sure if I would get a large outdoor dog or something smaller. Whatever I get would be a rescue. I could probably talk Daddy into giving me the older of his two dogs, but he is a handful. I would probably have to have a dog run for him as he is very tall and can clear fences easily (Daddy has trouble with him getting out and they have a hot wire around their fence to keep him in). I enjoy taking him for walks when I am at Mom & Dad's.
I like the look of your new blog, especially the photos of the three kitties at the top and the larger guestbook. The photos of the visitors were too small when the guestbook was in the sidebar.
Nice to have a dog, wonder how the kitties would react to him/her though. I don't think I will have any other pet while Momo is alive.
Whiskers actually adopted a cocker spaniel that got left behind by the wicked step-Mother when the family next door moved. When the kids came back for the summer they reclaimed him. It actually was a great way to have a dog. The man behind our house was taking care of him and feeding him and he would just come over during the day to play with Whiskers and the kids. And Whiskers was friends with the beagles on the other side of us. (This was all pre Socks and Whiskers was a very social cat, I wasn't kidding when I said Socks was Whiskers' cat). Socks has never seemed interested in making friends with the beagle. The kittens are a friendly sort and with the right dog probably wouldn't mind. Socks accepted the kittens without a problem so as long as the dog wasn't threatening it probably wouldn't be a problem. He might not ever be friends with it, but he wouldn't mind it.
I don't look to have a fenced in yard anytime soon, so it is probably a moot point.
Oh I looked up Silky Terriers, they are adorable. I don't think I have ever seen one.
What I had was an Australian Silky terrier. His parents were my sister's dogs. It was a lovely, friendly brave little thing. His coat would change form dark grey as a puppy to silvery grey as an adult dog. We used to joke that Luco and my mother were getting more and more alike because my mother's hair was turning grey at the time too. The women in my family all turn grey early in life while the men don't. Not fair!
It's really not fair that the women turned grey first. I actually have more gray hair then my Mother did at 40, it's not fair!!!! She still isn't very gray.
At least very few women would go bald! It's easier to dye one's hair than to try to grow it. There is always a plus when there is a minus and vice versa.
True, my poor Dad went bald young. He does the awful comb over thing. Yuck!!!!
I had been dying my hair but I have decided to just go gray or in my case silver.
I am so happy blogger finally got my sidebar back where it belongs, on the side of my blog. It was down at the bottom for most of the morning.
Voting in the spring contest is open. There is one vote per animal, so you have three! There are so many wonderful entries.
Thank you for letting us know MoMo. We were so busy today we would have missed it otherwise. ~The Cats
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