We are very excited. MoMo is throwing a birthday party for SS and we were invited. I am wearing one of the new outfits I got in New York. Don't you just love the purse that looks like a watering can. Mommy kept trying to borrow it to water her flowers with. Luckily for Socks, MoMo is a very thoughtful girlfriend and she picked a few things up for him while we were in New York. I think he looks very handsome.
Scylla and I are looking forward to spending some more time with Charlotte. We are very annoyed with blogger though our sidebar keeps running away. We found it way down at the bottom one time. We hope it will be back where it belongs tomorrow.
Party Time by Charybdis

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Looks like you were well-dressed for Momo's SS's party. You look very pretty and Socks looks comfortable. Guess he likes his outfit.
You asked if there is an update on Pepper. Haven't seen one yet, but one should be out soon, we hope. We're anxious to know how she is doing too.
Jan's Funny Farm
Scylla and Charybdis
You look so vewy stylish in youw outfits..It's going to be gweat to see you again at Momo's pawty fow SS..I thought it would be mowe casooal, so I'm afwaid I'm not dwessed neawly as well as you two...
I think the stuff Socks is weawing looks gweat on him!!! vewy stylish!!
see you at the dwinks table
smoochie kisses
We just posted a short update on Pepper. Unfortunately, she didn't make it. A link to her page is on JFF. Her Jan will post an update when she can. We understand she's pretty broken up.
Scylla and Charybdis
I didn't even thatnk you fow offewing to come thwow me the ball..that is so vewy sweet of you..I would happily see you anytime!!!
I love how fwesh and spwing like youw bloggie looks!! and the way you fixed Momo's too
smoochie kisses
Thanks for stopping by my party as well, you all looked so stylish, sorry for spilling the niptini on Scylla....
Thanks for coming to help me celebrate SS's birthday! We all had a ball catching up and SS enjoyed herself so much that she was telling her girlfriends all about her cat giving her a party. Now these girls are not animal lovers and kinda of tolerate her for the sake of their long friendship.
Ugggghhhhh! Blogger is not doing too well at all.
BTW we are having a surprise party for Samaritan and Rusty over at JFF on Wednesday. Please come if you are free. We have organised all the party stuff and food. So just come along and have a good time with all of us.
Scylla and Charybdis - did you get to meet Tesla at my party? Or had you left when she arrived? Charlotte enjoyed seeing you and just loved to get away from the dark little house that she stayed all alone during the day.
Jan, we are so sorry to hear that Pepper didn't make it. Thank you for letting us know. ~Alasandra & The Cats
Everyone, (blush) thank you for telling us how stylish we looked. We appreciate the compliment. Asta is was wonderful to see you again.
Scylla & Charybdis
Kavan, you can spill niptinis on me anytime. ~Scylla
Great seeing everyone. I loved everything MoMo got for me. She has terrific fashion sense. Mommy says I am better dressed then the guy beans in our household. ~Socks
Sorry MoMo, we had to leave before Tesla got there. Maybe we can meet her at JFF, we are going to try to come. It came a hail storm at our house and Mommy wanted to make sure everyone was accounted for before she went to sleep.
Fingers crossed, blogger has our sidebar back where it belongs YEAH.
Asta, thank you for complimenting the blogs. I had fun decorating them. ~Alasandra
Wow…… cool blog…. I really appreciate this blog…. I have my personal website on party fun tools like bar accessories, furniture for party animal.
Hope nothing has been damaged in the hail storm. See you at JFF!
BTW, I don't think your side bar problem is quite over yet.
We didn't make it down to the Butterfly Garden to see how it did, but the greenhouse is OK. Daddy was worried about it because of the high winds we had. We will try to go down to the Butterfly Garden today.
Our sidebar is very annoying. We are going to have Scylla chase it down and give it the bitey.
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