(Photo by Sassy)Left to right back: Emil, Stanley, Asta, Roscoe, Momo (dog) Karl, Charlie, Ruis & Opus Left to right front: Emil, Asta, Momo (dog) Charybdis, Scylla, Charlie (standing behind) Pinot, Ruis, Socks, MoMo (kitty), Opus, Sassy & Mrs Oz
Here we are at Blarney Castle. Blarney Castle was built nearly six hundred years ago by one of Ireland’s greatest chieftains, Cormac MacCarthy, and has been attracting attention beyond Munster ever since. (Photo by Asta)Back row left to right: Stanley, Mrs. Oz, Roscoe, Sassy, MoMo (kitty), Socks, Emil (Left of the table): Opus (Front left to right): Momo (dog), Pinot, Scylla & Charybdis, Ruis, Karl, Asta, Charlie Here we are at a real Irish pub. I love the matching green scarves me and MoMo (kitty) have. Scylla choose a heavy cream sweater as she was cold, but I think it looked very nice on her. Socks is being very naughty he is drinking green beer, I am going to tell Mommy when we get home, cause he wouldn't let me and Scylla have any. (Posters by Sassy) It turns out that Opus and Roscoe are international celebrities. Who knew we knew someone so famous. The house was sold out for our performance. GOOD NEWS !!!!!! We knew Mommy's fabric glue was strong. After all it held Mommy's horse-head bookend made out of Agate together after me & Scylla broke one of them playing chase, but who knew it could hold The Tower back together. It's all fixed now.
(Socks) I thought the Daffodils in the garden were stunning. MoMo and I took a stroll through green pastures, where horses and cattle graze, to Blarney Lake. It was very romantic(Photo by Karl) Ruis kissed the Blarney Stone. I guess that means he is full of Blarney now (Ha, Ha).
After eating and drinking until we were full we went to the Irish premiere of Pearl by the world renowned street theatre company Plasticiens Volants (France). This is an outdoor spectacle for a family audience. This so inspired us we agreed to do a guest performance of Lord of the Dance, by special invitation of Michael Flatley.
(photo by Opus & Roscoe edited by MoMo~kitty) Left to Right: Mrs Oz, Momo (dog), MoMo (kitty) Asta, Roscoe, Scylla, Charlie, Sassy, Charybdis
(Photo by Opus & Roscoe edited by MoMo~kitty) Left to right: Pinot, Opus, Socks, Roscoe, Karl, Ruis, Stanley, Emil
I think we were magnificent if I do say so myself.
We also attended the Christ Church Cathedral Choir Concert.Christ Church Cathedral is very interesting Standing on high ground in the oldest part of the city, this cathedral is one of Dublin's finest historic buildings. It dates back to 1038 when Sitric, the then Danish king of Dublin, built the first wood here. In 1171 the original simple foundation was extended into a cruciform and rebuilt in stone by Strongbow, although the present structure dates mainly from 1871 to 1878 when a huge restoration was undertaken.
Our friends, listed in no particular order. . Kitties - Sassy, Karl, Emil, Mrs Oz, Ruis, Opus and Roscoe, MoMo Doggies - Asta, Stanley, Momo-dog and Pinot, Charlie have their own photo's and stories to share so be sure to stop by and visit them. If I forgot somebody please let me know so I can add you to the list, as I just borrowed Scylla's list. My thanks to my friends (MoMo and the faithful SS, Sassy, Asta, Charlie, Karl and Opus & Roscoe) for letting me use the pictures they took as our photographer lost our camera. We are thinking up a suitable punishment for when we get home. ~Charybdis
What a great day! We are having so much fun with you all in Ireland that we may NEVER go home!
Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!
Opus O'Tinytail and Lord of the Dance
ps. Thank you sooo much for fixing the Broken Tower of Pisa!
You are very welcome. We are having a grand time too. We wish our adventure could last forever. ~The Cats
Good thing you had some strong glue or you'd all still be fugitives.
We can tell you're all having a grand old time.
We are having the bestest time.
We are not only thankful for the strong glue, but clever MoMo who figured out how to make the tower lean again. It is very hard to copy human incompetence. ~Scylla, Charybdis & Socks
Boy am I relieved to see the Leaning Tower has been repaired! I would not want you to get in any trouble for that little accident.
Well, Ruis is not full of Blarney now... Karl had to give him a 2 hour massage for his painful muscles, hahaha.
Karl & Ruis
Daisy, we are so glad we didn't get in trouble.
Ruis, we hope your painful muscles are better after the massage Karl gave you.
Scylla, Charybdis & Socks
Gweat Wepowting Charybdis..I'm sowwy I missed the cathedwal, but Stanny and I had to wun to Sing-a-paw and back in the aftewnoon fow a wedding of some good fwiends..
Socks wouldn't let you have the beew cause he loves you and you two awe too young..Pinot didn't get any eithew..you all looked gweat in you new clothes..and thank you fow fixing the towew..I didn't like being a foogitive
see you tomowwow..I'm exhausted..what fun!
smoochie kisses,Asta
Finally I get into your place. Sometimes your blog will not let me enter. Anyway I just wanted to let you know how much I am enjoying the trip to Ireland. I am so glad that you came up with this idea and here we all are!!!! Too much fun we are having.
Hi Sassy Kat we are sorry you have trouble entering our blog sometimes. We enjoy having you stop by.
Oh Ireland is so much fun, it's even better then we imagined it would be. ~Scylla, Charybdis & Socks
Asta, we missed you and Stanley but we are glad you got to go to your friends wedding. Sing-a-paw sounds very exotic. I hope you and Stanley had a good time there.
Socks is going to teleport back to the M~Cats Club (I think it is Sunday) for Tybalt's birthday party.
What a great day! I so enjoyed the cultural performances we attended, most of all the Dance in which we performed. really good to have some together time with Socks too!
Walking in the gardens alone with you MoMo was the highlight of my day ~Socks
We had so much fun dancing, and wasn't the applause nice. We think we might want to be dancers full time. It was so much fun. And everyone was so nice to us. ~Scylla & Charybdis
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