After exploring the tower we had a picnic on the Field of Miracles before heading off to Ireland. Site seeing is very hungry work.
We are headed to the St Patrick's Festival in Dublin, Ireland in the amazing flying bus.
I have to admit it was a bit crowded, but we didn't mind because it was full of good friends. We are staying at the Fitzpatrick Castle Hotel Dublin.
Doesn't it look grand. Here we are in the foyer checking in.
Asta & Stanley are staying at a nearby cottage for some extra privacy.
We were thrilled to find the Baileys and Chocolates in our room when we arrived. Here we all are looking out our windows. (Photo by Sassy, editing by MoMo) Top floor left to right: Pinot & Momo (dog) Second floor left to right: Emil, Mrs. Oz, Socks, Charlie, Charybids & Scylla, Opus & Roscoe, MoMo (kitty), Sassy, Karl and Ruis
Being cats we are always hungry so we treated ourselves to some top class cuisine at PJ's Restaurant. This cosy intimate luxury restaurant is styled in keeping with the traditional Castle environment and serves international cuisine. We were very tired so we spent the rest of the day exploring the hotel grounds, resting and relaxing. The hotel overlooks Dublin Bay. We thought this view from the hotel was very lovely. I for one could have looked at it all day.
Socks and MoMo took a romantic stroll through the countryside. They thought this old farmhouse was adorable (photo by MoMo) MoMo stopped by to check on us and took this picture while we were napping. I was so exhausted I didn't even wake up. As you can tell from the photo our room is very lovely and spacious.
We have lots more activities planned for tomorrow, which Charybdis has promised to tell you all about, if you come by to see us. If you can't wait till tomorrow to see more pictures of us and our friends and read more about our Grand Adventure visit our friends at their blogs. Listed in no particular order. Kitties - Sassy, Karl, Emil, Mrs Oz, Ruis, Opus and Roscoe, MoMo Doggies - Asta, Stanley, Momo-dog and Pinot, Charlie If I forgot somebody please let me know so I can add you to the list. I have been so excited about the trip I have become very scatterbrained (Contrary to what Socks & Charybdis say I am NOT always scatterbrained). My thanks to my friends (MoMo and the faithful SS, Sassy, Asta, Karl, and Opus & Roscoe) for letting me use the pictures they took as my photographer indulged in too much Baily's Irish Coffee. We really should fire her, but she is a pretty good Mommy otherwise. ~Scylla
Hey, we are the first to stop by! Yeah!
What a wonderful time we had in Italy with you guys! We sure do hope they get that tower put back together! Ooops!
Can't wait to see what is in store for tomorrow!
Much love,
Opus O'Tinytail and Roscoe Mc Nutty
What an exciting adventure! No wonder you were so tired at the end of the day.
Opus & Roscoe,
We will probably be last to visit everyone. Mommy is running behind.
Daisy, the adventure isn't over yet, stay tuned.
Scylla, Charybdis & Socks
It looks like you are all having a fabulous time! Enjoy your adventure!
Thank you Dragonheart & Merlin ~The cats
Socks, Scylla & Charybdis!
The trip to Pisa was a bit crazy :) but so much fun!! We had a pawsome time with you guys. Well... our trip is not over yet! We'll have more fun! :)
Momo & Pinot
The deleted comment is from us, it was meant for the other post, hahaha.
We are so glad it goes so great between Socks and Momo!! Our romance also began on an adventure like this...
Karl & Ruis
Karl & Ruis,
MoMo is the most terrific traveling companion, she is so much FUN. ~Socks
Momo & Pinot we are looking forward to tomorrow. ~Scylla, Charybdis & Socks
Happy St. Patrick's Weekend, fluffy kits!
licks & slobbers
Happy St. Paddy's Day to you too Charlie, we are going to have so much fun together. ~Scylla, Charybdis & Socks
Blogger ate my comment!!!!! i left you one before. Anyway, wasn't that a fun day! I hear that the tower is fixed and we are exonerated. Come and see!
We will be right over. We were very naughty and over slept today. ~S & C, Socks
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