April in the Butterfly Garden

These are some wildflowers youngest son and I are particularly fond of.

This is one of my Encore Azaleas. I love the contrast of the dark pink centers and the pale pink.

My Chinese Wisteria. It was a mass of blooms this year. This is the first time the Wisteria have bloomed so I was really excited to see them blooming this year. Wisteria is one of my favourite plants.

This is one of my regular azaleas. The previous owners had planted them next to the house. Needless to say they had to be moved as they covered up the windows. Now they are along my driveway, except for this one. It's down at the pond because Hubby didn't think it was going to survive being transplanted, so he didn't bother to plant it. Can't blame him too much he did replant the other seventeen. This was as far as I could drag it. I like to pick on him about it because the "puny" azalea I planted is doing better then the others. Probably because it isn't next to the oyster shell drive.


Moki The Wobbly Cat said...

Hi Alasandra,

You have some very beautiful plants in your garden. Momma bean says she has a black thumb. She wishes she could grow such lovely flowers. Anyway, we just wanted to say thanks for stopping by our blog and sending get well wishes to Orange Boy.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

What lovely blooms! Our one and only azeala bush died. SS is so upset because it has been there for as long as we have the house and every year it had beautiful bloom. :(

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

MoMo, we are sorry to hear about the azalea ours are pretty much indestructible. The Bad Daddy chopped the ones by the house down to their roots when Mommy was gone one day, she was very upset when she got back home from the store. But they came back up and Daddy dug them up and planted them by the driveway. Mommy said cutting them way back probably allowed them to survive being moved.

Moki, Mommy said the secret is to plant, plants that don't need much care. We hope Orange Boy is better.

Sassy Kat said...

Scylla, congratulations of joining the CCSI team. A great show is in the making. Looking forward to working with you.

Daisy said...

Whoa, the puny azalea is now a champion!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Thank you, Sassy. I am very excited and honored to be working with you and everyone else at CCSI! ~Scylla