Butterfly Garden Update

Youngest son and I saw this lovely tree when we were at the nursery to pick up some plants. It is a Bottlebrush Tree also known as Callistemon rigidus, native to Australia. The price tag was a bit steep for us, so I will try to find it in a smaller size. The only one the nursery had was very large, but youngest son was very taken with it.

The nursery was out of the pineapple sage and yarrow I wanted to get for the butterfly garden, but I did get a yellow shrimp plant and a Hibiscus acetosella (not sure what variety). The Hibiscus acetosella has dark red leaves and burgundy flowers. The flowers do not show up very well against the leaves, but they look nice all the same.

I had a nice surprise waiting at home for me. My neighbor gave me a purple salvia, marigolds, begonia, and a petunia along with a sweet pepper and some tomato seedlings.

I'll post pictures of the new additions soon.


Tybalt said...

That Bottlebrush Tree looks fabulous! I hope you are able to get one.

Mommy squealed when she read about the tomatoes . . . she's a big fan.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Our humans LOVE tomatoes. They haven't had fresh ones in a LONG time. So they are looking forward to trying to grow them. They are hoping to have them year around in the green house.

Mommy is thinking that maybe she can get some Bottlebrush Tree seeds or a cutting and keep it in the greenhouse until next spring when maybe it would be ready to put out. Seeds/cuttings are generally much cheaper then huge trees according to Mommy. She is going to be keeping an eye out for them.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Bottlebrush grows wild here. They are everywhere! We have a big one in our yard. No one would pay money for them!!!! Actually no one delibrately grows them, they take root and spread. Come to think of it I have never seen any seeds of this being sold.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

It sounds like the perfect plant for our Mommy. It said it was hardy. Mommy loves plants that she can just stick in the ground and they will grow. And it just goes to show that one man's weed is another man's treasure.