Mancat Monday

A strange cat has been coming up in our yard. We don't know if it is a neighbors cat that is lonely and just wants to visit with us or if he is homeless. Charybdis is afraid of him. He chased her up a tree and Daddy had to rescue her. Scylla and I have been trying to make friends with him, we want Mommy to help him if he is homeless. Unfortunately every time Mommy opens the door to come outside, so she can get a good look at him he runs away. I do hope he has a home.

This is one of my favourite places to sleep when I am inside. I am snuggling up to the pillow that looks like Whiskers.


Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

I do hope your friend has a home. You look so snuggly and cute there, Socks!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Thanks MoMo. Mommy thinks I look really snugly and cute now. But she can't get a picture cause I am in her lap. ~Socks

Irishcoda said...

Cute picture, Socks, and we also hope that the stranger has a home. It's so sad to be without one!

Daisy said...

Socks, you look so happy and relaxed! I am sorry that the strange cat chased Charybdis up a tree. That would scare me too, very badly! But I hope he has a home.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

He/she is actually very nice. Charybdis is a silly thing to be scared of him/her. He/she is very nice to me and Scylla. ~Socks

Tybalt said...

Very handsome, Socks!

I do hope the strange kitty has a home . . . but if he/she doesn't, then I REALLY hope he/she lets your mommy come close to him/her and help him/her!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

You look very cute snuggling there! We hope the kitty has a home. It is wonderful of your mom to want to rescue him if he doesn't.