Photo Hunt ~ Twist (ed) by Scylla

We are playing with Daddy. See how Charybdis is twisted around. Too bad Mommy didn't get a picture of Daddy TWISTING around to see what was on his back. He only did it once before mumbling something about putting his back out, how on earth do beans do that? Me & Charybdis love to TWIST.


-tnchick- said...

Looks like fun! =)

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

But you two are only one year old and your dad is a zillion!

Daisy said...

I like to twist around a lot, too! It's very fun.

Frances said...

Fun picture!

CastoCreations said...

That is great! :)

Asta said...

Hi Socks Scylla and Charybdis
hoomans awe just not as gwaceful and flexible as catses..even us doggies can't do all the things you do, so how could a mewe hooman, heheh
smoochie kisses

Liza said...

you have some rad cats!

i played ;)

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Eldest son claims that the parents are ancient and were around at the same time as dinosaurs. We think the dinosaurs would have ate them so they probably aren't that old.

Asta, you have a good point. And Mommy says we are even more flexible then most cats she has known.

Everyone thank you for visiting. We will come see you tonight. For now we have to get back to cleaning (yuck).

Unknown said...

Great take for the theme! Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

I see we both used cats in our twisted photos! Yours look adorable.