Thursday 13 ~ Agates

  1. Agate is the Mystical birthstone for September.

  2. Agate is the accepted gemstone for the 12th and 14th wedding anniversaries.

  3. Agates are a 7-9 on the Mohs scale .

  4. Agates are found in all colors of the rainbow, although green and blue are quite rare.

  5. Agate is a variety of chalcedony formed from layers of quartz which usually show varicolored bands.

  6. Often tiny quartz crystals form within the stone and add to the beauty and uniqueness of individual stones.

  7. These crystals are called drusy (sometimes misspelled as druzy). Lapidaries often cut just the drusy from an agate and jewelers use these drusy cabochons as the main stone or as an accent stone in their jewelry designs.

  8. Agate is a relatively inexpensive stone except for some varieties with unusual banded or scenic markings.

  9. Agate is found all over the world including: Africa, Asia, Brazil, Egypt, Germany, India, Italy, Mexico, Nepal, and the USA.

  10. Agate is believed to discern truth, accept circumstances, and is a powerful emotional healer. Legend says that Agate improves memory and concentration, increases stamina and encourages honesty.

  11. Agate is said to be particularly beneficial to people born under the sign of Gemini as it helps them to remain calm and focused

  12. It is believed to prevent insomnia and insure pleasant dreams, to enhance personal courage and protect one against danger.

  13. Agate provides a calming influence, improves perception, concentration and helps to develop and increase one's analytical talents.


Daisy said...

I liked learning about agates! When my Mommie was little and she would visit her grandma in Wyoming, she would go rock hunting and sometimes find agates.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Youngest Boy Bean and Mommy love rocks. They went rock hunting (although there isn't much to find around here) and found some neat stones and polished them. Mommy has some of the prettiest ones sitting in her window. Charybdis is very bad she likes to swat them off the windowsill into the floor. Mommy gets mad about it. ~Scylla

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Agate is lovely. SS uses an agate mortar and pestle for her work of grinding down ceramics. SS used to go rock hunting a lot when she was in Turkey.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

That would be a neat place to go rock hunting.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Wow, lots of interesting information about agates!