Tour the Butterfly Garden (March)

These pictures were taken in March. We made (OK, mainly Hubby made, but I did help some) some more flower beds. Hubby finished the greenhouse. It's wonderful for potting plants, starting seeds, and keeping the plants until the weather is warm enough for them to go outside. Introduced some grass carp into the pond. And of course there was plenty of weeding to do.

I enjoyed the family of geese. The mother goose had a nest on the island and hatched out seven goslings. They were cute wandering around the yard eating grass.


Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

How lovely! It will be a whole 6 months before se see anything like that.

The winter grey has set in, bringing in wind, storms and rain, almost everyday. The beaches are closed today because of the stormy conditions with over 6-foot swells and we are not even talking about ocean beaches. OK, I am not going to the beach but a little bit of sun would be welcoming.

Charlotte said...

Hope Scylla is feeling better. Heard about the larvae problem - not at all nice!

Your garden is coming on very lovely though. It is getting decidely cooler here, and wet. I stay in my little house most of the time now.

Daisy said...

It really is spring! It is so beautiful where you live and your butterfly garden is really special.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Thank you everyone. We enjoy our garden a great deal. We love sunny days, that is one of the worst things about winter here, it gets gray and dreary here.

Scylla is feeling OK, the antibiotics help keep her fever down, but she is looking forward to getting rid of the larvae.

Socks, Scylla & Charybdis