Wordless Wednesday


CRIZ LAI said...

Oooo... beautiful flowers. I think I might have accidentally left you out during my award presentation. As you know Blogger is rather hard to detect everyone's link as you will need to go all over the blogosphere just to get one right.. haha.

Sorry about the hiccup and thanks for the well wishes. I have linked you up as well :)

meemsnyc said...

Those are nice flowers!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Criz lai, we understand completely blogger ate a post we did. The whole entire thing.

Ana said...

These are awesome flowers!

Anonymous said...

what beautiful daisies. Wish mine were up now. Happy WW

Daisy said...

Are those daisies? That's my very most favorite kind of flower!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

They are the very best kind of daisy's (excepting Daisy the Curly Cat of course) as they grow wild and look beautiful.

Islay said...

Who needs words? What a beautiful photo! It must be lovely to snooze in your garden - it's raining here, for two weeks, every day!!! - so I'm sleeping in the house.

THank you so very much for the rose. You are such dear kitties.

licks & slobbers,

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Nice wild daisies - so pretty!

catsynth said...

Nice flowers, so simple too.
We have a flower in our WW this week as well