Charybdis is Mad at Daddy

I caught a mousie, but the BAD Daddy took him away from me. Hiss, Hiss, Hiss

I am running away from home!!!! Not really, really I am going out in the garage to eat my supper.

Just thought I would let everyone know the mousie is fine. The last I saw of it, it was running back to the field where it belongs. ~Scylla


Jans Funny Farm said...

You stole her mousie? You stole her mousie? You stole ....

We're at a loss for words. There is absolutely no mention of her being compensated for the loss of HER mousie!

Charybdis, demand compensation! It was your mouse.

(Jan says we have to apologize for being instigators. Charbdis is to listen to her humans.)

But PS - We still say, compensate Charybdis!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Daddy says he gave me a bowl of delicious cat food and he is sure it taste better then a mousie. I am not so sure. ~Charybdis

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Oh no!!!! Charybdis you must insist on more compensation from bad daddy. A mousie is a mousie. He must catch one and let you have it.