Doodle ~ Outer Space ~ Whiskeria, aka The Planet of the Cats


Chrissie said...

Where's the rocket ship that goes to Whiskeria? I could be the steward, and be in charge of handing out the lunches to all the cats aboard. Let's see, I'll have to have some venison, and some chick-hen, and some stinky goodness, oh, and some Mother's Milk for Skeezix, and some fresh mouse for Skeeter, and Eric and Flynn, and....

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

What a terrific idea Angus Mhor! Can you pack some salmon and shrimp for us.

Maybe Karl & Ruis can get Voyager to take us.

~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis

Samantha & Mom said...

Ah ha!! That is where that Space ship from my back yard came from!! Whiskeria! Tigger and I are glad we hid under the bed, we would have missed all of our furiends it they would have taken us there!
Your FL furiends,