Easy like Sunday Morning by Charybdis

Sunday is a good day to relax. Here I am taking a nap on Mommy's hat. She wears it when she is working in the garden so she won't get sunburned.

Now it is time for a bath.

Now that I am all clean I am going to read a book. This is mine and Mommy's favourite place to read inside. She has a reading lap and the over-sized chair is very comfy. I like to sit on the table though.
I finished the book, I think I'll take another nap. Daddy is playing video games again, that is how he relaxes.


Anonymous said...

We love it when Mom reads, too Charybdis! That means her lap is ready to be full of us!

By the way, we keep meaning to ask you how you got such an unusual name.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

The short answer is Daddy said Mommy could keep up if he got to name me and Scylla.

Daisy said...

I never slept on a hat before. It seems like a good idea.

Chrissie said...

My mom is a great reader, too-and I love it when she does, 'cause that means the laptop is NOT IN HER LAP!! Which means that I AM!!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Silly Moms need to learn that cats belong in laps not other things like laptops. I sit on top of Daddy's laptop sometimes, when it is in Mommy's lap.

Daisy, Mommy said cats on hats might become very fashionable if we would stay put. She then mumbled something about my being too heavy. ~Charybdis

Ana said...

That's a very nice hat, I bet it would suit you fantastic, too!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

You sure know how to relax. Never thought of sleeping on hats though. Both SS and her mom have hats because the australian sun is so strong. Not that you would notice it lately. It has been cold, grey and hailing.

Jans Funny Farm said...

I just saw that photo of you in the hat brim somewhere. Texas'? It's cute.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

MoMo, can you believe we got hail a couple of weeks ago. It was the size of golf balls. Very weird weather we are having.

Thank you everyone. ~Charybdis

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

JFF, yes you saw me on Texas' blog. Wasn't that nice of him to like my picture enough to put it up. ~Charybdis

Cindy Garber Iverson said...

Well, you're being a lot nicer to your mommy's hat than Lucy was to MY gardening hat this morning--obviously much better kitty etiquette. ;)

Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Hi Cindy, we are pretty well behaved, although I am in disgrace this evening. Mommy had to climb a tree and get me cause I didn't want to come in. ~Charybdis