Flowers on Friday with Scylla

Hi everyone, come look at the flowers with me. I just love all the blooms on the Flowering Maple.

This is a close up of our mystery plant. I just love the fuchsia color of it's blooms.

The Angel Trumpet is so pretty when it blooms.

The orange Tiger Lilies aren't suppose to be in this bed, but we kinda like the way they look with the white hibiscus.

Daddy is busy repairing the greenhouse. He had to take all the plastic off because the wind tore it. We will show you pictures of him painting it soon. He used a monster that spit paint to paint it, he also built Mommy another shelf and installed a hose for her. Next he will put Plexiglas on the roof. We are hoping we will be able to raise vegetables year around with the greenhouse.


Anonymous said...

Pretty flowers! Your greenhouse looks very neat-o. Our Grampy needs one of those. Mom killed most of his garden while he & Nana have been visiting our Aunties. Don't tell him, though. No need to ruin his vacation, right?

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We won't say a word. Our vegetable garden isn't doing very good either. The squash and cucumbers had to be pulled up, bad worms invaded them. ~Scylla

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

What beautiful flowers. Thanks for sharing. Your daddy is doing a great job!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

What beautiful flowers!!!! Love the Angel Trumpet. It's absolutely gorgeous. SS is no good at growing anything. Even her cactus died.

Daisy said...

I don't think I have ever seen an Angel Trumpet before. It's really pretty!

Ana said...

Your garden is so wonderful! But it looks like lots of work!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

MoMo, our Mommy killed cactus too, she gave it too much water. She has a tough time with cactus.

Everybody, thank you for coming by. It is raining here so we have a break from gardening.
