Garden Doodle


Durward Discussion said...

It was very nice of you to draw plants for butterflies.

Chrissie said...

Now you need the cat that's gonna catch that butterfly!

Daisy said...

I hope my butterflies grow up to be that pretty!

Samantha & Mom said...

Awwwww.......what a cute garden Doodle! You guys did a real neat job!
Is that butterfly from your garden?
Your FL furiends,

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Thank you everyone. We saw one similar to the one we drew Samantha & Mr. Tigger but the one in the garden was much prettier.

Elise B. said...

Beautiful doodle garden. I should really do all of my doodles on the computer... it takes away the problem of having to scan my drawings, save them to a disk, then load them onto my computer, which is not attached to the scanner. :)