Please don't dump your pets

I saw on the news today where even more pets then normal are being brought into shelters because of the tanking economy. If that isn't bad enough over at Doc's Sunrise Rants I read a heartbreaking post about a JERK who dumped a litter of kittens, on a isolated stretch of road where the coyotes like to cross. Only one survived, but lucky for Tuffy he has been rescued by Doc and her daughter. I can't imagine throwing this cutie pie and his siblings out.


Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

It's heartbreaking to see pets - both babies and older ones - being dumped. It is so unfair to the animals and irresponsible of the humans.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

When the beans went to the creek on the 4th they found a dog that had been left. She was really nice. They were thinking about bringing her home when a park ranger showed up. He said a deaf guy that camps out there had left her and that he would probably be coming back for her. Mommy & Daddy felt bad about leaving her but she had followed the park ranger off, so she was gone when they were ready to go. They were just happy to learn she belonged to someone. It sounded like the guy was living there from what the park ranger said and was doing the best he could for the doggie.

Jans Funny Farm said...

We don't have anything polite to say about dumpers. Some of us were dumped. But at least not out of a moving car.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

The first cat Mommy & Daddy had together after they got married was dumped on the beach. She (Dingo) was pregnant too (which was probably why she was dumped).

And Squalling - n- Baby was dumped in a parking lot. Socks will have to tell you about him one day. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis