River awarded us the Gold Card of BFF. We are purring with happiness. River is a great guy that we meet when JFF brought him to our NOMS party. We now must give the award to 5 friends. Four of these friends must be dedicated followers of our blog. One should be a new blogger and live in a different part of the world. Each awardee must link back to whomever gave the award. That sounds easy enough, except it is really hard to just pick 5 friends but here we go.
- MoMo - She is wonderful about dressing us and taking us places with her. She lives in Australia which is a long way from here, it's already tomorrow there. And she is SOCKS' GIRLFRIEND!
- Asta - She is one of our NOMS friends. Her friendship has brightened our days and we love hearing about her life in New York and her wonderful vacations.
- Daisy - She has taught us how to be fashionable and her comics make us laugh.
- JFF - They are always working to make things better for all cats and doggies.
- Texas - a 6-year old American shorthair/ tabbycat. He was diagnosed in March 2008 with feline lymphoma. He is currently in remission (Happy dance). He shares information about the disease, and blogs about normal cat things.
Congratualtions!! The Gold Card!! Does that mean you can now buy as many fashions as your heart desires?!
We certainly hope so. ~Scylla & Charybdis
I wonder if I can use it to sweep MoMo off her feet. Maybe a nice vacation to a sunny spot. ~Socks
Concats on the Gold Card...wow that is really nice.
Thank you all for passing this on. And congratulations on receiving it.
We will post it soon.
Felix might be leaving for the bridge today. Perhaps one of the comments left on folks to contact will help? It's just so sad to keep saying good-bye, but that is life - happiness and sadness.
Congratulations on your award! And thanks for thinking of me, too.
I think the wordless Wednesday photo below is very sweet!
Congratulations! What a great award!
Hai! i iz soo happee fur yoo an yoor awards! con-cat-su-la-shuns!
Thank you everyone.
The eldest boy bean is sick (throwing up, yuck) so we may not visit much today. Mommy is busy taking care of him and they may have to go back to the doctors office. They went Monday, and Mommy thinks this is a side affect to a medicine the doctor prescribed for the sinus infection. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
Congratulations! Now it's time for shoppin'! I'll call PetSmart and Smith and Foster and tell them to expect you!
Congratulations! What a cool award - does it double as that plastic that gets you tons of food and toys???
Mrs. OZ
Thank you Angus Mhor!
We certainly hope so Mrs. Oz, we talked it over and we would use it to get a fence and rescue a woofie. We would have to go to PetSmart to get stuff for the woofie. We don't have any Woofie stuff.
~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
Angus Mhor what is Smith and Foster, apparently we don't have it down here, but it sounds like a lovely place to shop. ~Scylla
That's a pretty cool award! Congratulations!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Congrats on the Gold Card and thanks ++++ for sending it on to me. We haven't yet set up an internet account yet and will do so soon, so that we can get back to blogging.
Hi Wally, Ernie & Zoey, we were very honored that River picked us.
You are welcome MoMo, we miss you terribly.
~S, S, & C
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