Sunday with Scylla

Our azaleas are blooming again. They are really pretty when they bloom.

Mommy thought this was butterfly weed, but it isn't. We don't know what it is, but it took over Mommy's flowerbed. It has pretty yellow flowers.

Isn't this a pretty color for azaleas?

The BAD WIND knocked over our red hibiscus. We are very sad about this, but some babies are coming up around it and Mommy is trying to root the limbs the wind knocked over. So we will see what happens.

We are preparing in case Gustave comes calling so we may not be able to visit our friends as much as we would like. We are very tired of the BAD WEATHER. ~Scylla


Daisy said...

Azaleas are very pretty! I hope you are not affected by the very bad Gustav!

Marian said...

Your yard looks so pretty!! Sorry about the hibiscus, but we bet it comes back. Stay safe and dry and we're purring that Gustav stays away from you.
:o) Thomas, Phoebe and Trixie

Jans Funny Farm said...

Please be safe! We're hoping all our friends will be okay. That is a scary storm coming.