Violet for Sprout

In honor of 3-month-old Violette Noelle, and at the request of her mother, many in the Cat Blogosphere will wear violet Saturday, the day when little Violette - affectionately known as Sprout - will be laid to rest.

Our prayers are with her family at this sad time.


Tesla and Hansel said...

That iz such a pretty picshure, mommeh iz gunna use it on our bloggy tomorrow.

Daisy said...

I am looking for something beautiful and violet to wear in remembrance of little Sprout tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

The Cat Realm said...

It was such a sad week.
Big (((((HUGS))))) to you.

CRIZ LAI said...

Hugssssssss to everyone... It's great to comfort each other during this sad time.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We are so sorry that we were unable to visit everyone. We have been thinking about you and purring for everyone at this sad time.

Our beans ran away from home but they have been recaptured and Mommy will help us visit our friends today. ~S, S & C