Daisy is a female Aussie Shepherd / Labrador Mix. She is around 2 1/2 years old. Daisy is a riot. She loves to be the center of attention and just wants to be loved. She has lots of playful energy and loves to get hugs too. She will need work on not standing up on you for attention but that is easily fixed. If you want a very smart, sweet, pretty, playful dog this is her. When tired though she finds a soft spot to snooze quietly. She dreams of her own dog bed and no more cedar chips!
Abba is a female Australian Shepherd with long black hair. She is 1 1/2 - 2 years old. Abba is a sweet little doll. She is shy at first but really really wants to come to you. She will come get her dog cookie but then runs off to eat it in security. She is very smart and a great sized dog at only 33 lbs! She has been scratching this year so her hair is thinned but growing back now that she is on good food and flea meds.
These are just 2 of the 42 doggies that need homes because Rainsville is going to kill them rather then let Carroll continue to care for them at Green Acres Animal Sanctuary.
We didn't get to post about them last night as Mommy, Daddy & Youngest Boy Bean ran off to the fair. Mommy likes to visit the rabbits, she is very weird she likes livestock and barnyard smells. We are surprised she didn't come back smelling like a goat, hog, or steer but Daddy said she was very well behaved she didn't even ask to ride the mechanical bull.
Well, it's good to know she was well-behaved. Does that mean she didn't have any fun?
Not as much fun as usual as she didn't feel like going on any of the rides. Her inner ear is giving her fits. ~S,S & C
I hope all the prayers and hard work into letting all know that these doggies need homes will have a happy ending.
Will keep praying for things to work out.
I like barnyard smells too and love to visit the livestock pavilion at the fair. When I was young, my favorite area was the rabbit area!
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