Frisky Fall Contest

We entered the Frisky Fall Contest sponsored by The Meezers, Latte, Sammy & Miles. Visit Simply Siamese to find out more.


The Cat Realm said...

This is a fun contest! Tintin entered too - the energy of the youth - i am not sure if Mrs. OZ and I will be able too - especially after that exhausting paintball party at Sassy's.....
And did I ever thank you for celebrating my Gotcha Day with me - it meant a lot to me and really saved the day! Thank you!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

You are very welcome Karl, we just wish we could have done more for your big day.

Sometimes our brains get fuzzy. We are very fuzzy headed right now, so we guess we should go to bed. ~S,S & C

PS: We love the Halloween Buddha