Mancat Monday ~ Bugs

We don't know what kind of bug this is. It invaded our jungle gym. We thought about giving it the bitey but we are afraid it may sting (ow www).

Sorry we haven't had a chance to visit much the weather has been nice so we have been weeding, and Daddy bean has been working on the greenhouse. The faucet things are done they just need a top. The beans went looked at tops yesterday, but didn't see anything they cared for.

Mommy is abandoning us to go to a focus group about the library, so I guess I will go hunting today. Daddy bean may be around to hang out with it depends on Jurry Dudie, whoever he is.



Anonymous said...

Oooooh! Just look at those looong back legs. He looks a little bit scairty!

Daisy said...

It looks like a wasp or some other really mean sting-y bug!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

That is bigger than anything we have up here!! Thank Cod!!

Anonymous said...

Oh nooeeees it is gud yoo did not try to put the bitey on a buggy that wud put da bitey on yoo too!

Ana said...

That's a cool bug! Better not to eat it... doesn't look yummy at all! :-)