We love the red blooms on our
Hibiscus and the read leaves on the
Haight Ashbury Hibiscus , it is going to bloom very soon.

Mexican Petunias are still doing well.

The Azaleas are blooming, we just love this new variety that blooms all year.

Verbena is blooming, it is a nice old fashioned plant.

This is a
Ginger Lily, it smells really good.

This is Mommy's new flower. It is a
Buttercup Ranuncule (Turnera ulmifolia). Mommy was hoping to plant it in the yard before it got cold, but Daddy didn't have time, so Mommy put it in a BIG POT in the greenhouse.
I'd love to stroll around your yard, I bet there are many wonderful smells there!
Especially for us cats; there are flower smells, animal smells, food smells oh just the best smells imaginable. ~S,S & C
Bee-utiful! Our yard is all brown.
So lovely to look at.
Does it stay like this all year?
Fraid not, eventually we will have a frost and a lot of the stuff will die (but it'll come back in the spring). Luckily some of the stuff is evergreen and it'll stay pretty all year like our Azaleas, Camillas, Gardenias etc. The Camillas just bloom in the winter. ~S,S & C
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