Hi guys, we have been promising to show you the faucet things Daddy made, so I thought I would do that today. It seems like a manly pursuit.
First he built a wood box thing to go around them. This one is down at the butterfly garden the other one is up by the barn. Thought you would like to know so you don't get confused and think the faucet things are walking around or something.
Then he selected the rocks he wanted to use and washed them.
Then it was time to glue them to the wood thing. This was very time consuming as he had to pick rocks that fit in the space he had. It was kinda like doing a jig saw puzzle, but one where there was no right piece, you just had to find the one that worked the best.
Here is a picture of the one at the barn with all the rocks glued on it.
The next step was to mortar around all the rocks. This hurt Daddy fingers very badly.
And here is the one at the barn all finished. They are both finished now, the beans just have to buy a capstone to go on top. Mommy may prettify the capstone or not. At the moment Mommy doesn't care if things are pretty she just wants her snotty nose and sore throat to go away.
Now guys if you don't mind I am going back to the bath Mommy so rudely interrupted with the flashy thing.
That's going to be very nice!
Thank you Parker.
Mommy says it is very helpful to have a faucet down at the butterfly garden to water things. So not only will it look nice, but it will be nice and useful.
We wish Mom would do something like that! We love them! We hope your Mommy feels better soon and that your Daddy's fingers are all better, too!
Cool! Now you don't have to go back to the house for water! We are purrring for your Mom to get better and your Dad's fingers to heal!
Your FL furiends,
PS: We have had a few people tell us that and we cannot figure it out! One person tried to come in through Internet Expplorer and it worked! Or you can try and leave a message in the Cbox on the sidebar!! Thanks for being our furiends.
It came out great! What a neat project.
ps: I hope your mom feels better soon.
She wanted us to tell all the cats thank you for their well wishes, she seems to be feeling better and guess what the weather is warmer so we even got to spend some time outside.
Daddy's fingers are better, Mommy got Neutrogena Daily Therapeutic Lotion for him to use and it helped a lot if any beans try the project we encourage them to use the lotion afterwards. Mommy also says wearing disposable gloves also might be a good idea.
We haven't forgotten Mimi our post is all ready.
~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
That is beautiful! Your daddy sure is talented!
That looks like a lot of work, but it turned out really nice!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We hopes dat yer mom gets better soon. Yer dad sure is talented!
Hey, you guys got loads of space. That's so nice! What is the faucet for? Watering the flowers? It looks really good!
Purrs from Germany,
Yes, the faucet is for watering the flowers down at the butterfly garden. Daddy also put faucets in the greenhouse for Mommy.
Our Daddy is very smart if we do say so ourselves, now if he can just get the hot water heater to produce hot water. The beans have this weird desire to stand under hot water in the morning. Mommy bean will be very cross if we don't have any although we have all offered to lick her clean. She turned us down we can't imagine why. ~S,S & C
Doze are some nice lookin' fawcets. didz your daddy say a bad word when he hurted himselfee? Ourz would!
Tanks so much fur comin' to da partee yesterday & bringin' dat awesome "dead bread!!!" I yam still stuffed!
Dr Tweety
The faucets look great. Your Daddy is such a smart fellow. The hot water? Shouldn't that have a higher priority than the faucets? My gran keeps saying the cold showers are better. I say any shower is bad.
Hope your mommy feels better soonest!
Dr. Tweety, we were happy to come to your party. It was so good to get to visit with you.
MoMo, Mommy thinks hot water should have top priority. We have our paws crossed that it is fixed now. Mommy is feeling much better today. We are sure all the kitty purrs and catnip tea did the trick. ~S,S & C
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