Hello everyone, the Bugle Weed around Whiskers' grave is still doing good. I just stopped at the fountain for a drink of water, do you want to go look at the greenhouse with me?

Daddy and youngest boy bean have been hard at work on it. Mostly Daddy, we now have doors on the North and South sides.

They put plastic on the sides since the weather got cooler here faster then Daddy bean anticipated.

This is the inside of the greenhouse. Mommy has nice shelves to put things. If you are wondering why there are Cool Whip containers in the greenhouse, Mommy recycles them. She said they will be good for planting seeds in.
The greenhouse looks great! What a neat place you have.
Your yard and greenhouse look just lovely. Mommy is a plant killer, technically so am I.
Daisy, I know you would love this. The greenhouse is full of............LIZARDS. They seem to think it is a lizard house.
Hi Fin, it is very nice to see you. ~Scylla
Mommeh saz maybe one deh we can walk in a garden of our owns.
Oh man Scylla... da momee here sawz dat greenhousee & she flipped! She haz been after da dadee here fur a year.. & we stillz don'ts have a greenhouse. But lemme tell you dats we're probabully gonna gets one in da new year of 2009. It's about time!
Wow, I would like to explore you greenhouse!
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