Mommy has been shopping. She got this indoor/outdoor rug at the
Animal Rescue Site. We go click every morning to feed cats and dogs.

She also got this cute orange kitty. He likes to climb on Mommy & Daddy's bedroom window.

He tells them how cold it is outside so they know how to dress for the day.
That cat thermometer is neat-o! Wouldn't it be cool to have suckers on our feets so we could climb windows, too?
Yes, and just think Daisy we could walk on the ceiling. Wouldn't that drive the beans nuts?????
I like your catomometer! But I don't see a tick mark for "Don't Even Bother Getting Out Of Bed". Yours must be defective! Exchange it! Quick!
Mommy says she doesn't need a tick mark for that. If she sticks her toes out from under the blankies and it's cold she refuses to get up until it's WARM.
We are actually suppose to have COLD weather tonight. All us cats and the electric throw get to sleep with Mommy to keep her warm. We may get a late start visiting as Mommy will not get up until it's a civilized temperature. We are eating a large supper in case breakfast is late. ~S,S & C
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