Decriminalize Feeding Stray and Feral Cats

Did you know your beans could get in trouble for feeding a stray or feral cat? We didn't, please go to Alley Cat Rescue and read Decriminalize Feeding Stray and Feral Cats , at the end there is a link to a petition for you to sign. We are going to sign the petition now.


Sassy Kat said...

How can you get into the trouble for helping out a kitty from starving???? NO FAIR! Will head over there to see what is not going on and protest.

Glad you liked the first episode of CCSI. Come back tomorrow for more of the story.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

That's so UNFAIR!!!!!!! Well, SS should be in jail by now.

Everycat said...

What an astonishingly insane law! We have signed that petition!

Whicky Wuudler

Anonymous said...

The mom signed #164