These pictures were taken November 24th. Everything but the Hibiscus is outside. We just love the Hibiscus blooming in our greenhouse. Isn't it pretty?

Mr. Frost didn't kill the Verbena, it still looks pretty and look our Camillas and Azaleas are blooming.

Isn't the Camilla a lovely deep pink?

A honeybee has found this blossom.
I'd like to think my garden looked like that but right now, its devoid of colour and many leaves have fallen and its a grey,cold, wet day...as the Welsh would say "there's cheerful for you" !
Thank you for brightening out day with the beautiful flowers on Friday.
Wat great flowers furrends! we luf dem gud. May i nom sum?- tes
We don't recommend eating them Tes, some plants make you sick. Socks will show you some nice grass that you can nom safely.
Finally the sun came out today. It was very pretty here, but cold. The moon was huge tonight. Mommy loved it. Everybody thanks for coming by to see us. ~S,S & C
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