Now that it is getting to be cold outside, (OK, I know you Northern kitties probably consider high 60's & low 70's to be down right balmy, but us Southern kitties consider it COLD) I spend more time indoors. I was sitting in the window looking outside when Scylla decided to curl up on Daddy's clothes and take a nap.

I politely enquired if she would like a snuggle buddy.

She said yes, so we settled down for a long winter nap.
A pile of clothes makes an awesome bed, especailly one that smells like your Daddy!
Yes we do consider it cold!
Brrrr especially in balmy Florida and it's only gonna be in the upper 50's today!
I guess that seems a little chilly.
Enjoy your snuggle! I think this winter business sticks around for awhile!
Purrs Goldie
We know what you mean. Where I live, we consider anything below 60 degrees to be very, very cold!
How furry cute you two are! We saw that new kitty your mom got the other day clinging onto the window!
Siena & Chilli
Our window kitty says it is 58 degrees outside, we are freezing. Daddy insist it has to be 32 degrees before you freeze but we don't think he knows what he is talking about.
We are so glad everyone dropped by lets snuggle!!!!!
~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
MoMo, I wish you were here to snuggle with me. ~Socks
hehe It was 50 here today and we fink it was warm fer December! Yup us Northern kittys has it gud right now.
I agree. Our northern kitty buddies can keep this cold weather.
always good to snuggle especially in the cold weather. yep, that's cold. I consider anything under 55deg as cold.
Great to team up and snuggle together because you will have twice the warmth.
Can you send some warm weather my way? We got 8 inches of snow to melt!
We think anything lower than 70 degrees is FREEZING! We're spoiled Florida kitties and proud of it!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
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