This is a good spot to dictate my post to Mommy. Unless she turns on the printer, then she makes me move, and that scanner thing is very annoying too. ~Socks
Hello everyone thank you for stopping by. I am afraid I would drive SS crazy MoMo as I actually tried to type one of the emails I sent to you. Mommy kept growling at me to keep my paws off the keyboard. ~Socks
Thank you for your kind words about Sasha. We know the pain will be there for a long time.
As an office cat, you look very professional! I know I would bark at a scanner if we had one. They are very annoying.
love & wags,
It is so hard to find the perfect office lounging spot!
Yes, well sometimes us humans have to use the electronics even if they're great kitty warmers. ;)
I am not much of an office cat. I don't like the scanner, the printer nor SS complaints about the mess on the screen when I walk on the keyboard.
You look very professional lounging there. Every bean needs at least one kitty or woofy to keep them working.
Hello everyone thank you for stopping by. I am afraid I would drive SS crazy MoMo as I actually tried to type one of the emails I sent to you. Mommy kept growling at me to keep my paws off the keyboard. ~Socks
Annoying? Really? We are fascinated by it. And we especially love helping the paper come out of the printer.
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