The girls are roughhousing with Daddy. I am to old for such nonsense. I prefer to watch from a safe distance.

They woke me up from a nice nap. Mommy asked me if visions of sugar plumes were dancing in my head. What on earth are sugar plumes and why would they be dancing in my head???? Mommy is weird, if you must know visions of rabbits and squirrels are in my dreams.
I'm with you. Sugar plumes? Who cares? I dream of 'Nip and temptations.
I have dreams of lizards and treats!
Smart move -- or lack of movement -- Socke! Naps are important too.
Everybuddy thank you for vising me. Nip, Temptations, Lizards and various other treats are all worthy things to dream about.
At my age naps are very important. ~Socks
Sugar plumes?? I would think a cat would like to dream of plumes (feathers) bol Yeah, I dream of rabbits, too, another thing we have in common!
love & wags,
You look so cosy there, think I will join you dreaming of treats. Sugar plumes, what are they? Can't be anywhere as good as Temptations.
Sugar plumes?! WAT iz DAT?!
Nip and Temptations are in my dreams!
Mommy says I misunderstood her she said sugar plums and they are a fruit covered in sugar. I think feathers covered in sugar would be more interesting myself. Beans are weird, Mommy seems to think this fruit covered in sugar will dance around. She read it somewhere or something. ~Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night ~Socks
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