MoMo and Sassy came picked me up on the flying carpet. I have to tell you flying carpets are pawsome. It's like being curled up on your favourite carpet at home and then you are wherever you want to go and being surrounded by two beautiful female cats on the trip, well what can I say .............It's a very nice position to be in for a mancat. Oh, where are we going? We are headed to Karl's he has arranged a surprise birthday party for Ruis.
As you can see we are having a pawsome time at the party. And I know you will want to see the belly dancing so be sure to come to the party yourself, click here to be magically transported to the party.
Karl has these pawsome pillows as party favors. I think we shall be traveling in the lap of luxury on the trip back.

Karl & Ruis have headed off for a romantic get away at an undisclosed location. Sassy thoughtfully packed a suitcase for them. I just wonder where that GPS thing Sassy & MoMo asked me to bring has gotten too. I can't find it anywhere.

Karl & Ruis have headed off for a romantic get away at an undisclosed location. Sassy thoughtfully packed a suitcase for them. I just wonder where that GPS thing Sassy & MoMo asked me to bring has gotten too. I can't find it anywhere.
i'll see yooo at da partay!
What a great party! So nice to meet you there!
Siena & Chilli
Tesla, Hansel, Siena & Chilli it's wonderful having this opportunity to party with you. ~Socks
Good to spend time with you at the party. There seems to be a twist to the event. Make sure you watch Karl's space for what happens AFTER. I am kind of in it but it's totally NOT my doing.
SS has sent off the card to you. It's half home-made. But it's cute and I hope you all like it.
I am sure we will all love it. We sent yours Monday, not sure how long it takes to cross the Ocean. ~Socks
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