Temper Tantrum Thursday by Scylla

I do NOT like rain (hiss). Just look what the rain did to my lovely furrs!!!! I Queen Scylla forbid it to ever rain again.

(Hiss, Hiss) Mommy it is still raining! who do I bite to get it to stop??????

This weather is unacceptable! (lots more hissing)


Cat with a Garden said...

Hihihi, Chilli is like you, she hates water too. I actually don't mind it that much, the water just pearls off my coat. Mom says I'm desperate to go outside...
You got a lot of grooming to do, don't you? And afterwards a loooong rewarding nap. Ahhhhh....
Purrs, Siena

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Hi Siena, Socks is the only one of us who doesn't mind getting wet. He actually laid in a mud puddle one hot summer. ~Scylla

Monty Q. Kat said...

Oh my! I'd say you have a right to be upset!

Daisy said...

Queen Scylla, I hope the weather will listen and heed your command! Maybe you could borrow my spelling letters and write "No rains plz"

Sweet Purrfections said...

Ooooooo. Rain is almost as bad as a bath, but at least you can stay out of the rain.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

I am very annoyed it is still raining and now there are large mud puddles in our yard.

Daisy, I will be right by to borrow the No Rains PLZ Letters.~Scylla

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Poor Scylla!! I don't mind the rain as water just runs off my back and I don't get wet (an NFC characteristic). Hope the weather clears up for you. Otherwise just send it over here. We are in a drought and the farmers would thank you for it.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

I will be more then happy to let your farmers have all the rain. Any idea how I can send it? it doesn't seem to listen to me. ~Scylla

Chrissie said...

Scylla, I agree. Rain has its place but that place is NOT on your furs!

"Rain, rain, go away,
Come again another day,
Little Scylla wants to play,
Rain, rain, go away."

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Angus, you expressed my sentiments perfectly. The rain has finally gone away, it must have listened to you. But now it is cold. ~Scylla