What we are doing tomorrow

While the beans are busy digging holes in our yard, we are going over to Sassy's to watch CCSI IV, The Momomo Caper. We can't wait to see what it's about! Do you think it has anything to do with Sock's girlfriend MoMo?

As for the holes in our yard, do you think maybe it has something to do with what we are getting for Christmas?


Jans Funny Farm said...

We'll be heading over to Sassy's tomorrow too. Can't wait to see the 1st episode.

Sure hope you're getting a surprise for Christmas to go with the fence posts.

The Cat Realm said...

We are all very excited!!!
We could tell you if it has anything to do with Momo - but we won't, hahahahahahahha! Eventually you'll find out....

Anonymous said...

We plan to be at Sassy's tomorrow!

We did holes in our yard, but it is probably for a different reason.

Cat with a Garden said...

Holes in your yard? Mmmh, no idea what that's about - but I would be helping anyway!
Purrs, Siena