This is a
flowering maple. It is blooming up a storm in the greenhouse. We love the large yellow blooms it has. We haven't seen any seed pods on ours.

This is another one of our Camillas. It rained right when it decided to bloom, so by the time Mommy was able to get a picture of it, it was turning brown. It is a paler pink then the other one.

Here is a picture of it right before it bloomed. This picture was taken December 12th.
I have never heard of a flowering maple, and I see it is not a kind of maple tree, but is a shrub! The flowers sure are pretty.
Teri loves flowers, but we like to eat them so she never has any real ones in the house, just silk ones which we nibble on too, but they aren't bad for us. She says your bean has a green thumb, but we don't know what that means. She laughed and said she can't grow things that grow beside a freeway even and she has plastic herbs in her strawberry pot. She thinks that is very funny. We like to hear her laugh1
The yellow flowering maple is very beautiful!
The PM LOVES flowering maples! Their flowers are so huge!!
Very pretty!
It's nice to have flowers in the winter. We know of weeping maples but not flowering, very pretty.
love & wags,
Very pretty flowers. We are deep into Winter here, so it is very nice to see some colour!
We had never heard of it either. Mommy saw it at Lowe's one day when she went with Daddy to get something and the flowers caught her eye. Since it was on sell she drug it home and it has been a pleasure as it is always blooming.
They just has one, Mommy wishes they had had more as she really likes it.
Pretty flowers! I have never seen a flowering maple. Didn't think maple flowers at all.What an ignorant kitty I am!
Ohhh those big yellow flowers just have my Momma ooh'ing and aahhh'ing, and well she just loves camellias! :)
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