Eating meals with your family is very important. You should also have good table (well since we don't have a table I guess it's really bowl) manners. No pushing or shoving and no stealing your siblings food (Did you hear me Scylla?).
Yes, the huge blue thing is our water dish. We drink a lot of water, especially in the summer.
While we don't fight, Scylla steals our bowls sometimes. She just inserts her paw and moves the bowl to her spot. Charybdis then politely ask for my (Socks) bowl and I just stop eating till the girls are through.
We eat our stinky goodness off of the same plate at the same time and we only have one water bowl and one dry crunchies bowl. We have very good manners!
Manners are good. And you guys are doing great!
You are so well-behaved! Honestly!
No fighting at all?
We are truly impressed.
Purrs Goldie, Shade and Banshee
It looks like you all have good manners! Is that huge blue bucket your water dish!?!
Yes, the huge blue thing is our water dish. We drink a lot of water, especially in the summer.
While we don't fight, Scylla steals our bowls sometimes. She just inserts her paw and moves the bowl to her spot. Charybdis then politely ask for my (Socks) bowl and I just stop eating till the girls are through.
Oh my goodness, you guys have wonderful manners when you eat!! Tigger & I have to be separated, because he'll eat mine and his!!
Your FL furiends,
PS: We left a message about the comments in baby Socks picture!
Those are gud manners. We dun eat when another is around, we sorta take shifts wif eattin.
We eat our stinky goodness off of the same plate at the same time and we only have one water bowl and one dry crunchies bowl. We have very good manners!
You have pawsome manners....we eat our stinky goodness together too!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
excellent manners and a really cute photo!
hehe it looks like your eating is choreographed! hehhe
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