Socks ~ Spay Day 2009 Online Pet Photo Contest

If you go here you can enter the Spay Day 2009 Online Pet Photo Contest, or you can vote (that cost money) for your favourite pet. So far me and Scylla have both entered. We don't expect anyone to vote for us as we know $ are hard to come by these days, but we are hoping we can help cats and dogs just by entering. Charybdis is going to enter as soon as Mommy finds a good picture of her.

And now I am going to be a tattle tail. Your bean has to fill out a questionnaire and it ask about an endearing bad habit. Well Mommy says I am purrfect, Charybdis only has one bad habit but Scylla has so many Mommy found it hard to pick one. Mommy says we love Scylla in spite of her legion of faults.

Scylla's faults

  1. Tearing up toilet paper.

  2. Tearing up paper towels.

  3. Jumping to the highest spot she can get; roof of the jungle gym, roof of the barn, roof of the shop, tree when it is time to come in for the night.

  4. Tearing up the weather stripping on the garage door.

  5. Waking Mommy & Daddy up at 5AM.

  6. Jumping on the entertainment center and knocking the pictures over.

  7. Whaping the pieces of the chess set off.

  8. Clawing the carpet

  9. Meowing to be let in then wanting to go right back out. She does this like a zillion times until Mommy & Daddy get tired of being a kitty butler.

  10. Dragging the towels off the rack in the boy beans bathroom.

I am sure there are more but I don't want Mommy to remember all the reasons Scylla aggravates her so I will refrain from mentioning them. I think 10 bad habits are plenty. Don't you?

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