Sunday with Scylla

Silly Scylla that is not how you use an umbrella. You have it upside down and will get wet.

Bad Mommy you should tell it to stop raining, then I wouldn't get wet.


Anonymous said...

We do that too, Scylla! Whenever Nana finishes using her umbrella, that's how she leaves it in the garage. So of course, we must curl up on it!

Daisy said...

Well, if lots of rain gets inside, then you can float away on the umbrella and stay nice and dry!

Cat with a Garden said...

We hope your mummy stopped the rain! That picture is very funny!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Mommy says her superpowers don't extend to controlling the weather. It's a pity cause we got lots of rain yesterday. Even though it is sunny today the yard is all wet and no fun to play in.

G & G, can you believe I am the only one that sits in the umbrella now. Socks and Charybdis are afraid of it. Mommy says Whiskers used to do it too. I remind her of him even though we don't look anything alike.

What a wonderful idea Daisy. ~Scylla

Tesla and Hansel said...

Stoopid mommehs. dem are worf NUFFIN.