PhotoHunt ~Thankful

We are THANKFUL spring is on the way. Our Yellowbell (that's what our Grandma calls it) is blooming, this means spring is on the way. Thanks to our friends Siena & Chilli over at Cat with a Garden we now know it's real name is Forsythia. We are very THANKFUL for this information as it will help us take better care of the plant. This year it bloomed really early, this picture was taken January 21st. After the flowers are through it gets green leaves which it loses in the fall.


PDX pride said...

Wow, that is so very early for forsythia to be blooming! Both my mom and grandparents have them, too. Such beautiful plants. I like your other name for it as well. :)

Anonymous said...

it really is something to be thankful for. one of the many things that we have to be thankful actually - the beautiful flowers and foliage...

Cat with a Garden said...

We are so thankful for Spring coming too. The Forsythia can do with a severe prune after flowering and will only branch out more - and that means more flowers next Spring, yeah!

Barb said...

We have several Forsythia shrubs. They have lovely flowers, don't they? They can get quite large!

-Gandalf and Grayson

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

We can’t believe that February is already over with. Tomorrow is our Grandma’s birthday! She will be 89!!!

ZOOLATRY said...

Forsythia is one of our human's favorites, but we don't see it any more here in the tropical south...
like hosta, and dogwood and lilac, and so many other plants she misses...

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Our Mommy has a cold, so our apologies if we don't get to come visit for awhile. She said as soon as she finds Socks, she is going to drink a thing of hot tea and go to bed. We are being abandoned. ~S,S,C & F

Hansel said...

Oh we are thankful for springtime too!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

The forsythia bush is very pretty in early spring, we just wish it would last longer.

Woos, the OP Pack

Susann said...

aww you're so lucky. Spring is so far away here. We still have 90 cm's of snow and it's still cold outside so i wont melt anytime soon. We notice the days are getting longer tho and we love it!