picture by Sassy
Here you see the first group (Stella, Stanley, Asta, Lacie, Charybdis, Momo, Socks and Scylla) waiting for the arrival of the second (Ruis, Karl, Opus and Sassy), who were working at the Little Production Studios late. Notice Socks has a tight grip on Scylla's paw. WE don't won't her wandering off and getting lost like she did in Ireland.
Charybdis, Scylla, Sassy, Lacie, Opus, Momo, Socks Karl, Ruis, Stanley, Asta
picture by Asta
We gathered in the impressive entry hall which was all decorated for Valentine! Isn't it beautiful? We are teasing Opus about the "mystery girl" in his life. We are dying to meet her. We thinks the cat has got Opus' tongue (ha, ha) as he hasn't divulged anything about her. The curiosity he has aroused in us is about to kill us. Who is this mysterious woman???????
(Picture by Karl)Ruis and Karl kindly got tickets for us to see the sights. We thinks they may have had an ulterior motive.

(Picture by Karl)
Sassy is an amateur Volcanologist and her desire for knowledge lead her perilously close to the lava flow high up on Mount Etna.
We found Sassy and then went on a little excursion through Taormina where Karl and Ruis rejoined us at the theater in Taormina.
Socks Scylla and Chawybdis,
Isn't this fun?
I love the smell of owange blossoms, and you giwls have gwown up to be soooo bootiful, you'we chawming all the boys wif youw sweetness
I suwe am glad sassy made it back fwom MtEtna..that was a little scaiwy
smoochie kisses
I hope next time you'll be old enuff to come on an adventoowe wif us too!
Happy Valentine's day to you
smoochie kisses
Thank you Asta. I was happy to stay here and sleep. I am still very little and Mommy wears me out with our walks. But I can't wait to meet you and go on an adventure when I am bigger ~Fenris
We are having a great time with you Asta. Thanks for the nice things you said about us. We are so glad Sassy is safe, we were worried there for a minute. ~Scylla & Charybdis
Asta, this was a terrific idea. ~Socks
Socks, Scylla & Charybdis!
Thank you so much for letting me tag along with all of you! You're such a great bunch of fun kitties, and being with you also takes the edge off my homesickness for my catbro, Merv.
Asta and I are having a BLAST, plus, Sicily is STINKIN' romantic. Don'tcha think?
Goober love,
Isn't that fun???? I was so scared when Sassy went missing.
Hi Fenris!!! Soon you will be able to come with us on trips and parties.
What do you mean we might have had ulterior motives??? We would NEVER do something like that. Ever, right Ruis?
Happy Valnetine to you, what fun it was to go on another trip with you all!!!
Happy Valentine's Day.
We thinks Sicily is so romantic and the purrfect place to spend Valentines. Glad you could join us Stanley. Maybe Merv can come along on one of our adventures one day.
We always have fun with you Karl & Ruis. And we don't blame you one bit for wanting some alone time. Socks and MoMo stole a few private moments themselves.
Hi Derby, it's good to see you buddy.
MoMo you do realize that when he is grown Fenris will take up the whole magic flying van. If we are going to drag him along with us we will need a magic flying semi.
Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & Fenris
PS: Do you thinks the cats are picking on me already? ~Fenris
Happy Valentine!!!
I am so glad Socks and Momo also had some special time together! And it was such a great time with you and all our friends at this love trip!
Love & Headbutts to all of you
~ Ruis
ps -- If he is too big, we still have the transporter room to bring Fenris. ;-)
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