We apologize for not being by to visit all our friends as often as we should. We are thinking about you and will be by as soon as we can drag Mommy to the computer. The beans are making a new flower bed in the front yard and of course we have to weed the old ones (sigh). But in the PLUS colum Mommy got out the solar fountain and it still works. When Mommy isn't outside doing yard work she insist she has to do things like laundry and cook. We thinks it would be a lot simpler if the beans ceased wearing clothing and soaking in water. And we could share our catfood and dogfood with them, then Mommy wouldn't have to cook. But for some reason Mommy was horrified at the suggestion.
Anyway we thought we would share these wildflowers with you, while we helps Mommy. They have brightend our day, we hope they will brighten yours.

~Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & Fenris
Furry pretty!
Tank woo fur sharing!
Hahaha, I thinks my momma would be horrified at the suggestion too but it seems likes a good solution to me. It nice to meet you all, my name is Baby Patches and I saw you on the Cat with a Garden blog. I hopes you can come visit me.
We love Flowers on Friday! A new bed is exciting but a lot of work too. And afterwards they are hungry and dirty and that means they wash and cook - no time to help blogging again! It's a vicious circle, hahahaha!
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
P.S.: Welcome to the crew twins! Chilli
Yellow like the sunspot brightness... we likes dem flowers.
Thanks for sharing the flowers. Made us happy too.
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