Fenris saved a bird. See I caught a bird, I wasn't gonna hurt it I just wanted to play with it. You should have heard it squawking. Anyway the Mom was walking Fenris and she heard the birdie making all that racket and she saw me, so she walked over with Fenris and he distracted me until Daddy could rescue the bird. Does this mean Fenris is a RESCUE DOG??????
WOW!!! We think that Fenris is definitely a RESCUE DOG!! We are sure that you would not have hurt the fevver....just played with it a bit....and maybe sniffed it a little.....nothing wrong with that!!! ;)
It is cold here today. Everybody but Socks is inside snuggling. Socks has gone hunting despite the bad weather. The Mom's cold is worse so we will visit when we can. It snowed at Grandma's house in Central Mississippi. ~S,S,C & F
i think that's exactly what that means! Fenris, good job!
It snowed here too! Oh, no, we thought it was stopping, but it's coming down faster again. We don't want it.
Oh, yes, We guess Fenris is a rescue dog now.
I think Fenwis just got his wescoo doggie cewtificate..Way to go..Even though I'm suwe you didn't want to huwt the biwdie, it must have been scawed so I'm glad youw Dad got him
smoochie kisses
Too bad woo missed out on your birdie treat but yes, sounds like Fenris is a good rescue dog.
Woos, the OP Pack
Fenris is a hero! But I know you would not have hurt it. No snow here although Atlanta had some.
love & wags,
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