The view from the top of the entertainment center is pawsome. And doggies can't get up here. Charybdis is silly she runs from Fenris, being more intelligent I just stay up high where he can't get me and observe him. He is fun to watch.

But this is the best seat in the house. Except for Mom's lap of course. Silly Daddy thought he was going to play Halo. I thinks he is going to pet me.
Looks like a good Sunday...and good luck with the petting, even just laps are nice, too.
Oh, I always get what I want from the men beans. Mommy says I have them wrapped around my paw. ~Scylla
Scylla, sometimes you are silly, but today you are proving that you are also very smart! You have the perfect spot to watch Fenris from up there.
wow fenris DOES have four big paws! and that is the perfect spot! Hansel loves to sit on his dad's lap when he plays xbox too!
What does Socks do? Being an older and wiser cat, he probably just ignore Fenris.
Yep that's a sweet spot!
MoMo, being older and wiser and just Socks, who is good at being invisible. Socks just pretty much goes about his normal routine. He whopped Fenris once when he got to close, and he has run from Fen twice. Once when Fen got loose and came in the garage and once when Socks escaped from the house into the backyard where Fenris spends the day.
Everybody thanks for coming by for a visit. ~Scylla
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