Silly Sunday

Would you like to play with me. I love to play ball.

Nope, I don't fetch. I capture the ball and you are suppose to chase me. If you catch me you can have the ball. Mommy IS NOT good at this game. Charybdis is kinda good at this game. Sometimes she gets to the ball before I do. But she runs away when I get there and lets me have the ball. I am not sure why no one seems to understand the rules to this game.

When I get tired of playing ball I find sticks to play with. I think they are related to Siena & Chilli's evil twig.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I would LOVE to play with woo!

Maybe we khould chase the khytties together?


Daisy said...

Fenris, I would play with you, but I am Not Allowed to play outside!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

I don't seem to play ball at all. I just watch and NEVER fetch. If the humans want that silly ball, they can fetch it themselves.

Cat with a Garden said...

Whoa! Be careful, Fenris!!! This definitely is one of these Evil Twigs!!! You have a good tight grip though, now keep on chewing and you should have it tamed in, say, about 100 days...
You are a very brave puppy!
Purrs, Siena & Chilli

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

C'mon over, Fenris, we would be thrilled to play ball with a cutie like you. TD has lots of balls that we can share.

Tail wags, the OP Pack

River said...

We always choose a 'rabbit' and chase them around the yard. It would be great to chase you with the tennis ball. We understand the rules really well bol.

love & wags,

Quill and Greyson said...

Beware the Evil Twig Fenris!!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Hi Khyra, I don't think we better chase the kitties they complain to the parents and WE get in trouble. Highly unfair if you ask me, but we can chase each other and I don't think we will get in much trouble if we chase the gander. Mom is annoyed with him as he tried to chase her.

Daisy, I am happy to play inside with you. I like inside.

MoMo, you sound like a very intelligent kitty, do you know Charybdis actually does fetch the ball. She taught me how.

Fin, Siena & Chilli, thanks for the advice on the twig. Do you know the thing almost beat me up.

OP Pack & River, lets play.


Thoughts said...

OMG is he adorable or what?!!? GR-eat pictures of the little sweetie!
